Psychology, Mental Health
Fumes and Fine Dust
Working Under Chemical Assault: Neurological Effects by Vilma Vitanza
In a sense this book wrote itself. Excerpts from journals written over nineteen years of workplace exposure to chemicals depict the images and struggles within a gradually deteriorating brain that had once been completely functional. The author's...
Being A Teen Is Easy...Said No One Ever!
overcoming challenge by Bella Hachey
It’s hard to take help when it’s offered to you—trusting someone just off their word isn't the easiest of things. When Bella Hachey was a teenager, she struggled with bullying, anxiety, OCD, depression, panic attacks, and seizures. At the time,...
Secrets of Psychotherapy
An Insider's Report by Stuart A Ross
The Secrets of Psychotherapy Insider’s Report Includes: • Insider secrets as stepping stones on a therapeutic journey • A visual map of the primary targets of common psychotherapies • Exercises to sample therapeutic skills and experiences • The...
The Compassionate Supervisor
by Tracy Miles
Right now more than ever before, in the aftermath of COVID health care workers need support. The Compassionate Supervisor advocates for a different type of leadership for front line workers, particularly those working in mental health. The book...
Kicking ASSpergers
One Meltdown at a Time by Jeremy Tolmie, Dave Ray and Joel Mark Harris
“I was tired of feeling this way. I was tired of everything, and I just wanted it to end . . . What would happen if I lit the entire place on fire? What if I just stayed perfectly still and did nothing?” Kicking ASSpergers is the triumphant...
Learning to Be a Parent With a Mental Health Disorder by Jason Adams
“In many ways, this book is the resource I wish I had had.” How do you make time for therapy while raising kids? How do you tell the difference between healthy parental instincts and OCD symptoms? How does OCD affect parenting, and what can be...
Immigrants' Journeys
Africans Making Canada Home by Chifuka M Chundu
Imagine walking one-thousand kilometres to cross the border from war-torn South Sudan into Ethiopia, eventually seeking asylum in Canada. Or moving from Ghana to Quebec as a child, not speaking English or French, and being one of the few Black...
Emerging from the Shadows
Racialized Students’ Mental Health by Rodrick J. Lal
Emerging from the Shadows aims to enlighten academics, researchers, university students, and the general public about the development of mental health services in a university environment—with a special focus on racialized students. Based on...
I'm OK Until I'm Not OK
Grief From A-Z by Margaret Fraser-Thibault
Your grief is unique and so is this book. You are not losing your mind, you are not alone, and there is hope. If you feel overwhelmed and lost while struggling through the painful aftermath of death, this easy-to-read and understand book was...
What It Takes to Make It Through
Stories of Suicide Resilience and Loss by ASR Suicide Studies Collective
“When I am suicidal, all rational thinking dissolves and black and white thinking prevails. It’s all or nothing, everyone or no one, never or forever. There is no room for sometimes, maybe, or less than perfect.” Let’s have a real conversation...